
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

全身に鳥肌が立つウマさ! ベーコン+バナナ+ピーナッツバターで作る「エルビスサンド」はホットサンドの王様! - ニコニコニュース

ライター漫画家・B級フード研究家という肩書きでいろいろお仕事をさせていただいるノジーマです。ガジェット通信や週刊プレイボーイ集英社)の連載コラム「野島慎一郎の激ウマ!! バカレシピ研究所」などで変なレシピをいろいろ紹介していますが、2019年最も活躍した調理家電はホットサンドメーカーでした。










(執筆者: ノジーマ)

―― やわらかニュースサイトガジェット通信(GetNews)』
全身に鳥肌が立つウマさ! ベーコン+バナナ+ピーナッツバターで作る「エルビスサンド」はホットサンドの王様!

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December 31, 2019 at 05:09PM

全身に鳥肌が立つウマさ! ベーコン+バナナ+ピーナッツバターで作る「エルビスサンド」はホットサンドの王様! - ニコニコニュース
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Peanut butter adds flavor contrast to banana bread - Texarkana Gazette

Benjamina Ebuehi grew up in a Nigerian family in London, and her interest in cooking began when her mother bought her a child's baking book. As she continued to learn and work her way through other cookbooks, she says it was always the chapters on cakes that interested her the most. She began to create her own cake recipes, gravitating toward "putting flavors at the forefront without overshadowing them with excessive decoration."

Her passion for baking led to an appearance on "The Great British Bake Off" in 2016, where she created a white chocolate and salted praline cake for the show's Cake Week.

Now she has a cookbook, "The New Way to Cake," which features her stripped-down, flavor-forward recipes.

Ebuehi's vegan version of banana bread includes peanut butter for what she calls a "sweet-and-salty contrast." She says her favorite way to eat this is "lightly toasted to crisp up the edges, with a generous spread of salted butter."

Peanut Butter Banana Bread

I believe that a good banana bread should be part of every baker's repertoire. This version happens to be vegan, which was by no means intentional. I do think this tastes better the next day (if it can last that long), as it gives the flavors time to mingle with each other.

Makes 6-8 servings

4 small ripe bananas, divided

3 tablespoons smooth peanut butter

1/2 cup vegetable oil

5 tablespoons almond or soy milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 1/3 cups (300 grams) all-purpose flour

3/4 cup (175 grams) light brown sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 2-pound loaf pan and line the bottom with parchment paper.

In a large bowl, use a fork to mash 3 bananas. Mix in the peanut butter, oil, milk and vanilla and set aside. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Pour the banana mixture into the dry ingredients and stir gently until just combined.

Slice the remaining banana in half lengthwise. Pour the batter into the loaf pan and gently place the sliced banana on top without overlapping the slices or pushing them into the batter. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until well risen and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Leave to cool completely before slicing.

Tip: For some added texture, use a crunchy peanut butter instead of smooth or fold in chopped, roasted peanuts before baking.

Reprinted with permission from "The New Way to Cake" by Benjamina Ebuehi, Page Street Publishing Co.

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January 01, 2020 at 07:22AM

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The Tikkun Olam Brigade and the Taped Banana - The Jewish Press -

Photo Credit: Pixabay

{Originally posted to the FirstOne Through website}

The fancy Art Basel art fair in Miami sold a remarkable item for $120,000 in December 2019: an actual ripe banana duct taped to a wall.


The “work of art” called “Comedian” was produced by a famous Italian artist. The Perrotin gallery which featured the work stated that the work “offers insight [into] how we assign worth and what kind of objects we value.

For the thinking individual, the insight is clear: in modern times, we defer to “experts” who put significant money behind ideas, regardless how patently foolish. The fact that an artist represented by an art dealer would feature a work at a large art fair and have someone pay a tremendous sum to purchase the work, seals the deal that this must be serious art. Any individual who would observe the stupidity of the scene would be mocked rather than the other way around as the experts and market have spoken.

Perhaps when this concept was broached by Marcel Duchamp one hundred years ago, the notion of challenging our idea of “art” was novel and thought-provoking. But we’ve already done that. Does this work cover any new ground?

Is this work “Comedian” a joke on society which doesn’t get the opportunity to either ponder or laugh at the exhibition as it cannot fathom stripping the experts of their anointed titles? Is it the masochism we must endure to belong to the elite club? “I want to be in this community of the sophisticated, so will nod as a dutiful supplicant. Yes, we can see that art can take different forms. Yes, we can see that people value items differently. Yes, everything can be art, everything can be beautiful, everything can be valuable. Shame on me for being judgmental to view art as art and beauty as beauty. I hope that I didn’t say any of that aloud as thinking in such manner would exclude me from the very club I wish to join.”

OR… perhaps it’s the exact opposite: the experts are telling us – begging us – to no longer believe them. The masses will spend money as pleases them; the art dealers will feed the masses as they need to make a living too. And the artist, well he’s in on the joke. He named the artwork “Comedian” because he knows that people slipping on a banana peel is low brow humor, just as the work is a cheap poke at the art world and all of us that want to be a part of it.

Either way, pondering art and value is two sides of the same auction paddle. It’s a discussion that the art world has already rehashed for one hundred years.

No. This work is new for the post-2015 world, in which social media reigns. The goal is no longer art, it is popularity. Something that can be liked, shared and retweeted is the essence of value.

Society no longer values beauty or talent or experience. It wants the joke. A quick hit of something to laugh at, to share.

Consider that the United States voted a complete political novice to the presidency in 2016. Americans decided that they had too many politicians named Bush and Clinton already. Out with experience and in with the brash entertainer. Society reached a point that the number of Twitter followers is a better proxy for what the country craves, more than policy. Kim Kardashian for VP in 2020.

The “Comedian” was neither art nor beautiful nor “inherently” worth $120,000; it was simply Tweet-worthy. The artist and the purchaser got value from the work because the masses shared the picture and story repeatedly. As such, the answer to Perrotin gallery’s proposition had a range of answers: the value ascribed to items in a capitalistic society is based on the one outlier who pays the highest price, but also factors the wide attention of the public.

In the search for popularity, experts abdicate their leadership roles. They are now mere “influencers” who peddle their brands and platforms.

The echo chamber becomes a perfectly designed loop where the tastes of the masses is endorsed by their “experts” which in turn make the masses feel wonderful. The platforms become elevated by these same Twits who Tweet, encouraging more of the same.

Why actually lead and educate, when the re-tweets come so fast and furious?

Tikkun Olam

The situation of experts abdicating their positions based on knowledge and experience is not confined to the art world. Today’s religious leadership is being led by the masses as well.

Religious leaders do not talk about religion, a subject in which they are theoretically theological experts. Instead, they focus on politics, as that is what their congregants (read audience) really want to hear.

Consider the Union of Reform Judaism which had its biennial in December 2019. A main focus of the multi-day affair was to discuss reparations for American slavery. The rabbi leading the charge did not quote Leviticus nor the Talmud nor any rabbinic sages like Rashi or Rambam. He quoted Ta-Nehisi Coates, a Black atheist, to make his point.

There is a wide swath of American Jews who relate to Judaism only through the prism of peoplehood and not through the orientation of reading of the bible. As many non-Orthodox streams of Judaism do not believe in God, they view the bible as merely a divinely-inspired text written with the patriarchal philosophy of thousands of years ago. They have therefore comfortably shifted their prayer books and devotion to modern liberal artists like Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan. Their values begin with political figures and opinions such as from Michelle Obama’s book, and then consider Judaism. Religion is redefined in their political image.

Like the provocateurs in the art world who questioned what makes art “art,” Reform Judaism of 100 years ago asked people to consider what makes Judaism “Judaism”?

Both questions have matured over one hundred-plus years, and like the art world, Judaism has its own “Comedian” for the world of social media and popularity: it’s called “Tikkun Olam.”

The leaders of the Reform movement are marketing Tikkun Olam, or repairing the world, to the rowdy receptive audience of liberals – Jews and non-Jews alike. These potential pew-sitters are highly engaged in politics – particularly since Donald Trump entered politics in 2015 – so they meet their congregants there on the political battlefield. The reformed rabbis know what the progressive crowd cherishes – “Social Justice” – and the clergy repeats back to the parishioners their own political credo with the blessing that it’s kosher. It’s an inversion of the old teacher-student model, where the teacher no longer educates the ill-informed student about Judaism, rather the teacher must learn and incorporate the students’ passions and find an anchor in the bible. Such is the activity of a movement trying to stop its rapidly declining numbers.

Both Value (as in art) and Values (from religion) as currently determined by the bold fringe and loud masses of a post-2015 politically-charged and social media-connected world are seemingly disconnected from historic teachings and knowledge.

Traditionalists are aghast and will have none of it, while the progressives welcome the change as they seize the day from the prior generation.

Traditionalists see the taped banana as an object of interest but not art, just as Tikkun Olam is an appealing notion but not Judaism. Being neither art nor religion does not mean they have no value, but are not characteristic.

Liberals see things in reverse, where value defines everything. For them, Tikkun Olam is the essence of Judaism; a taped banana is bold art.

Both the non-Orthodox progressive leaders and the Orthodox traditional leaders will give their targeted audience their want, so they can manage the chaos of a charged and changing world. But the traditionalists will be leading with the knowledge of experts over thousands of years, while the modernists will be leading with values of the masses at the moment.

Related First.One.Through articles:

Rick Jacobs’ Particular Reform Judaism

The Reform Movement’s Rick Jacobs Has no Understanding of Tolerance

J Street is Only Considered “Pro-Israel” in Progressive Circles

Beyond Judaism’s IPO

On Heretics and Slanderers

Fake Definitions: Pluralism and Progressive / Liberalism

The Non-Orthodox Jewish Denominations Fight Israel

An Orthodox Rabbi at the Capitol

Obama’s “Values” Red Herring


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"Banana" - Google News
December 31, 2019 at 07:54PM

The Tikkun Olam Brigade and the Taped Banana - The Jewish Press -
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全身に鳥肌が立つウマさ! ベーコン+バナナ+ピーナッツバターで作る「エルビスサンド」はホットサンドの王様! - ニフティニュース

ライター・漫画家・B級フード研究家という肩書きでいろいろお仕事をさせていただいるノジーマです。ガジェット通信や週刊プレイボーイ(集英社)の連載コラム「野島慎一郎の激ウマ!! バカレシピ研究所」などで変なレシピをいろいろ紹介していますが、2019年最も活躍した調理家電はホットサンドメーカーでした。










(執筆者: ノジーマ)

―― やわらかニュースサイト 『ガジェット通信(GetNews)』

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"バナナ" - Google ニュース
December 31, 2019 at 05:00PM

全身に鳥肌が立つウマさ! ベーコン+バナナ+ピーナッツバターで作る「エルビスサンド」はホットサンドの王様! - ニフティニュース
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全身に鳥肌が立つウマさ! ベーコン+バナナ+ピーナッツバターで作る「エルビスサンド」はホットサンドの王様! - ガジェット通信

ライター・漫画家・B級フード研究家という肩書きでいろいろお仕事をさせていただいるノジーマです。ガジェット通信や週刊プレイボーイ(集英社)の連載コラム「野島慎一郎の激ウマ!! バカレシピ研究所」などで変なレシピをいろいろ紹介していますが、2019年最も活躍した調理家電はホットサンドメーカーでした。










(執筆者: ノジーマ)

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"バナナ" - Google ニュース
December 31, 2019 at 05:00PM

全身に鳥肌が立つウマさ! ベーコン+バナナ+ピーナッツバターで作る「エルビスサンド」はホットサンドの王様! - ガジェット通信
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Monday, December 30, 2019

『ミニオン』のおせちセットが登場!ミニオン型のかまぼこや、バナナ味の伊達巻など - ニコニコニュース

大人気アニメ映画ミニオン』をモチーフにした「おせちセット」が発売中です! パッケージはもちろん、キュートミニオンの顔をかたどったかまぼこや、スイーツのようなバナナ味の伊達巻など、中身もこだわりの逸品が詰まっています♪



















商品名  :おせちセットミニオン
規格   :かまぼこ90g、伊達巻140g
価格   :オープン価格
発売日  :2019年12月25日
商品特長 :ミニオンの顔をかたどった可愛いかまぼこ


商品名  :かまぼこミニオン
規格   :65g
価格   :オープン価格
発売日  :販売中
商品特長 :大人気のキャラクターミニオン」をかたどった可愛い切り出しかまぼこです。






1926年(大正15年)創業。2016年に創業90周年を迎えた、兵庫県神戸市・六甲アイランドに工場を持つ魚肉練り製品の製造業(代表取締役社長:村上 寛)。1990年には全商品合成保存料無添加を実施。

社名      : カネテツデリカフーズ株式会社
代表者     : 代表取締役社長 村上 寛
本社/工場所在地: 神戸市東灘区向洋町西5丁目8番地
創業      : 1926年3月(大正15年3月)
法人設立    : 1948年9月29日(昭和23年9月29日)
資本金     : 4,000万円
業務内容    : 水産練製品・惣菜の製造販売
ホームページ  :


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"バナナ" - Google ニュース
December 30, 2019 at 02:15PM

『ミニオン』のおせちセットが登場!ミニオン型のかまぼこや、バナナ味の伊達巻など - ニコニコニュース
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Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to Cook Plantains, the Banana's Much Starchier, More Versatile Cousin - Bon Appetit

Many fresh ingredients go from unripe (inedible) to perfectly ripe (fantastic) to overripe (again, inedible)—and sometimes this all happens in the blink of an eye. (Looking at you, avocados.) But plantains, which are related to bananas but much more versatile, are an exception: They’re tasty from when they’re picked (rock-hard and green as grass) until they reach peak ripeness—you’ve just got to know how to use them at each stage.

Let’s start with unripe plantains, which have rigid green skins. (The skin of a green plantain is so tough that it’s not easy to peel. You’ll need to score the plantain along its ribs, then pull of the skin strip by strip.) The interior is firm, starchy, and not at all sweet—more similar to that of a raw potato than a banana.

Fry thin slices of green plantains to make plantain chips, or cut thicker circles or ovals for tostones, the crispy, twice-fried snack eaten across Latin America and the Caribbean. Smash fried green plantains with garlic, olive oil, and fried pork skin for mofongo, a beloved dish in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba. Green plantains can also be grated and turned into fritters, braised in broth, or cut into pieces and added to soup, which they’ll thicken with their natural starches.

Green plantains are destined for tostones

Photo by Alex Lau, Food Styling by Yekaterina Boytsova 

As plantains ripen, they turn yellow, then develop some brown spots, and eventually (really, this can take weeks) reach peak ripeness, at which point they’re very dark brown, nearly black. The change in color indicates that the starches on the inside are converting into sugars and the flavor is getting progressively sweeter, though still earthy and vegetal. Their insides soften, veering into sticky and even syrupy territory, and the skin thins, making the peeling process slightly easier.

Caramelize ripe plantains to make maduros

Photo by Laura Murray, food styling by Judy Mancini.

When a plantain is anywhere from decidedly yellow to deeply black, you can still deep-fry or pan-fry them, but what you’ll get is something entirely different: maduros (which translates to “mature” or “ripe” in Spanish). Because their sugar content has increased, the plantains will have caramelized edges and pudding-soft insides. Ripe plantains can be simmered or roasted, then mashed, or sliced and grilled, or roasted whole, then split open and topped with butter and herbs or brown sugar.

Now that’s one fruit with so much to give!

Start with tostones:

Image may contain Dish Food Meal Platter Bread Cracker and Egg

Tostones With Creamy Green Sauce

If you manage to eat only one of these double-fried, extra-crispy plantains, we'll put your name in the Guinness Book of World Records. The flavor and texture of the tostones is most perfect immediately after they're pulled from the hot oil, but you can hold them in a warm oven if absolutely necessary (as with French fries, the reheated version may not dazzle). The sauce, on the other hand, can be made hours or a day ahead of time to no ill effect.
View Recipe

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"Banana" - Google News
December 30, 2019 at 07:11AM

How to Cook Plantains, the Banana's Much Starchier, More Versatile Cousin - Bon Appetit
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バナナフィッシュ、大阪でNYテーマのカフェ -京阪神エルマガジン社)


2019.12.29 20:00

漫画家の吉田秋生による名作『BANANA FISH(バナナフィッシュ)』のコンセプトカフェが、2020年1月23日から大阪・梅田でスタートする。

『BANANA FISH Cafe and Bar -winter in NY-』のイメージビジュアル
『BANANA FISH Cafe and Bar -winter in NY-』のイメージビジュアル画像一覧


アニメのビジュアルや世界観をモチーフにメニューを展開するカフェ『BANANA FISH Cafe and Bar -winter in NY-』(現在、東京で1月13日まで開催中)は、冬のニューヨークがテーマとなっており、アメリカらしい「チョコレートバナナワッフル」(1490円・アッシュのポストカード付)などがラインアップ。



オリジナルグッズも多数販売され、大阪会場限定の新規描きおこしグッズも予定。混雑が予想されるため、予約する場合は、予約金650円(特典付き)が必要。80分入れ替え制。期間は3月1日まで、「UMEDA BOX CAFE & SPACE」(大阪市北区)で開催。

© 吉田秋生・小学館/Project BANANA FISH

『BANANA FISH Cafe and Bar -winter in NY-』

会場:UMEDA BOX CAFE & SPACE(大阪市北区茶屋町16-7 梅田ロフト1F)

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"バナナ" - Google ニュース
December 29, 2019 at 06:00PM

バナナフィッシュ、大阪でNYテーマのカフェ -京阪神エルマガジン社)
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「玄関にバナナ」今週の埋もれたネタを発掘! 2019年12月22日~12月28日の秘宝はこれだ【週刊トレハン】 - Game*Spark




関連リンク: Kickstarter

漁業シム『Fishing: Barents Sea』のコンソール版が配信開始

PS4/Xbox One/ニンテンドースイッチ向けに配信中。

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コンソール版『ファーミングシミュレーター 19』シーズンModに対応するアップデートが配信


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『オーバーウォッチ』ファンメイドアニメ「ENEMY ZENYATTA」


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『ライフ イズ ストレンジ 2』海外版からの変更内容


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ソ連のリーダーシム『Cold War Minister』


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『ライフ イズ ストレンジ 2』ダニエルの細かい動作


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『Half-Life 2』Mod「Dark Interval」最新映像

来年『Half-Life: Alyx』が発売されたら色々なModも動き出しそうですね。

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国産シューターの影響受けた『Dark Gravity』発表


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"バナナ" - Google ニュース
December 29, 2019 at 04:00PM

「玄関にバナナ」今週の埋もれたネタを発掘! 2019年12月22日~12月28日の秘宝はこれだ【週刊トレハン】 - Game*Spark
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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Bananas, butts and Bitcoin: The most annoying trends of 2019 - New York Post

Every new year brings us ingenious advances in science and tech, fascinating creations from the art and fashion worlds, and breakthroughs in our collective id.

But, as always, there is a flip side to the good, the new, the interesting — the trends and goods that just should never have been. To quote a bad song from 1998, “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end,” and may all the beginnings we are about to discuss end — and never come back.

Here are just some of the worst trends of 2019 we’d like to see go the way of the Dodo:

Face tattoos

Tekashi 6ix9ine showing off his face tattoos.
Tekashi 6ix9ine showing off his face tattoos.Getty Images

2019 was a particularly bad year for these ill-advised tattoos. In September, Aaron Carter, for some unknown reason, got a huge inking of Rihanna as a mermaid on the entire right-hand side of his face. Carter now joins the dubious crew of Post  Malone, Justin Bieber, Lil Wayne and Kehlani who also have permanent, nonsensical doodlings on their mugs. Perhaps most ill-advised is Takashi69’s random and easily recognized face scribbles. The rapper, who is serving a two-year prison sentence for racketeering, weapons and drugs charges ratted out his fellow Blood gang members to get a lighter sentence and must now be wondering what he’s going to do when he’s finally released as it’s hard to hide with identifiable tats. Even the courtroom sketch artist found him easy to draw because “he has all that writing all over him. Nobody else has that!” For a reason.

Butt it’s so sexy!

A woman taking a butt selfie, or "belfie."
A woman taking a butt selfie, or “belfie.”Shutterstock

We understand sexy here at The Post (we do!) but you know what’s not sexy? Serving everything up on a platter cold. Leaving nothing to the imagination this year, janties — jean panties — were worn a la carte, often without underwear, and giving the rest of us the gynecological view we never wanted. Belfies (butt-selfies) flooded Instagram as serial offenders like Bella Hadid and Emily Ratajkowski crammed their cans into painful-looking thongs for Instagram likes. But butt bearing reached new heights as Lizzo attended a Lakers game December 8 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles in a black dress with a giant hole on the backside, and at one point, dropping down in the court to twerk for the crowd to a collective eye-roll.

Ramen sandals

Fashion has always tried to push the limits — but this sandal is just sad. 2018 had the horrific fur slides — turning everyone’s tootsies into insta-bear claws — and this year Bottega Venetta debuted a macrame slide that looked just like the old college delicacy, Cup Noodles. Just add water.

Cryptocurrency CrazeCryptocurrency

Used by drug smugglers, arms dealers and mafia around the world, cryptocurrency keeps the hall of doom in business. It’s not going anywhere — but the hype around it should. Several times this year Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency, has surged severely — creating insta-millionaires (and in the case of some, billionaires). Millions of people took note and wanted in on the action — only to be left holding the bag in several instances. The issues include the easily manipulated market for the secretive blockchains and the fact that many investors don’t know anything about the machinations of cryptocurrency — leading hucksters to take advantage. Self-proclaimed crypto queen, Ruja Ignatova disappeared with over $400 million after claiming to have discovered a new currency to rival Bitcoin. And just last month, jilted investors in a defunct cryptocurrency scheme asked that businessman Gerald Cotten’s remains be exhumed in order to prove his death actually occurred. Over $137 million went missing after Cotten’s death last year in India.

Gender Reveal Parties

This year alone, elaborate gender party mishaps have included a plane crash, a fatal explosion, a hippopotamus, a tied-up (and pissed off) alligator, an exploding car, a ball-busting accident, and a large gender-related fart. It’s gotten so ridiculous and dangerous that even the inventor of the gender reveal party now says the whole concept was a “stupid idea.” We concur!

Banana Art

Artist Maurizio Cattelan blew the art world’s mind this year when his piece “Comedian” — which was just a banana duct-taped to a wall — went on sale for a mind-blowing $120,000 at Art Basel Miami. Two more bananas were sold and one was mauled after New York performance-based artist David Dattuna ripped one off the wall and ate it.  While the “art” provided memes for months, it raised questions about the quality of the pieces in the art world and whether or not people were just sheep to the galleries’ callings.

Insanely Expensive Wellness Fads

A meditation session at The Well.
A meditation session at The Well.Zandy Mangold

People want to live forever — and rich people are especially susceptible to longevity’s charms. The private club, The Well, opened this summer where for a whopping $375 a month (plus a $500 initiation fee) members can work out, meditate in a subterranean yurt with a huge gong, walk on floors that are embedded with crystals, book massages and partake in a host of “modalities,” talks with “thought leaders,” practice “mindfulness,” follow “unified protocol,” try “expanded blood panels,” and test out “craniosacral” therapies and more. Beyond The Well, crystal fads, flat tummy teas and keto diets (that make your breath smell and can result in a malodorous “keto crotch“) filled the airwaves and drained our wallets. Here’s a tip for 2020: eat your non-fried veggies, exercise and relax.

CBD Everything

CBD gummies
CBD gummiesAFP via Getty Images

Cannabidiol oil (CBD) is everywhere these days. True believers say it can do everything from cure cancer, help you sleep and calm you down. Products touting CBD pills, creams, drinks and food are everywhere — even in dog food — but do they work? A Harvard study noted: “There’s no evidence, for example, that CBD cures cancer. There is moderate evidence that CBD can improve sleep disorders, fibromyalgia pain, muscle spasticity related to multiple sclerosis, and anxiety.” However, it also said that good CBD should be bought from dispensaries in states where marijuana is legal and that the marketing has gotten ahead of the science. As the CBD industry in America is unregulated — who knows if what you’re actually buying works or not?


Dave Chappelle, among other comedians, have accused our society of being too brittle.
Dave Chappelle, among other comedians, have accused our society of being too brittle.Getty Images

Dave Chappelle caused a furor this year during his Netflix specials when he suggested that people have become too brittle and that we are having “disproportionate” reactions to (some) #MeToo allegations as well as (some) gender issues.  Here’s the thing — as a woman who has been sexually harassed, passed over for promotions because of her gender and faced discrimination throughout the decades — I agree with Dave. Is Harvey Weinstein a monster? Yep. Should Aziz Ansari been called out for a bad date? Nope. We have become brittle on a litany of issues — sexuality, gender, politics, food, even pronouns. Earlier this month, a transgender worker sued Nike for “pronoun abuses” claiming the company “failed to implement any policies, procedures and trainings around the use of gender pronouns in the workplace.” This is a transitional time in our history people. We will get there. But let’s all take a deep breath and understand everything is not black and white — most are shades of gray.


A still from 2019's "The Lion King" remake
A still from 2019’s “The Lion King” remake©Walt Disney Co./courtesy Everett

Hollywood needs a remake — as in a whole new slew of executives. Due to cravenness and a severe lack of creativity, shows like “Clueless,” “Northern Exposure,” “Frasier,” “Designing Women,” “Bewitched” and “Party of Five” will hit our screens … again. And that’s just television. The movies are also redundant as Disney remakes their cartoons into live-action and classics are “updated.” Hollywood executives claim this is because “consumers like them” — although surveys (and actual viewership) say otherwise. The West Coast could take a lesson from the East Coast — or at least from AMC president Sarah Barnett. With little to no budget, Barnett revamped Sundance TV in 2009 by launching “Rectify,” “The Honorable Woman” and “Top of the Lake” and then later transformed BBC America where she greenlit and ushered in “Orphan Black” and “Killing Eve.” She was promoted to head up all of AMC Networks earlier this year. Hollywood could use more Sarah Barnetts.

The deification of people who exhibit really odd, bad and sometimes mentally unstable behavior.

Pete Davidson
Pete DavidsonGetty Images

Kanye, Pete Davidson, Elon Musk and almost anyone who appear in a Bravo or TLC show … I’m looking at you.

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December 29, 2019 at 02:00AM

Bananas, butts and Bitcoin: The most annoying trends of 2019 - New York Post
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